Trevor Sproston

Trevor Sproston is a Supply Teacher living in Letchworth, Hertfordshire England where he collects Daleks of all kinds. His collecting bug surfaced along with the new Dr Who series in 2004. Trevor has a delightful display of Daleks in his shed for all to enjoy. Acquiring his items from local shops, stores and on-line retailers you can occasionally find him selling his own unique custom items on eBay under the id pongo53.

Trevor maintains a very interesting website called Mr. Pilbeam's Laboratory where you can find a wide range of science related information.

You will find Trevor on the message board under the name Trevor54

Trevor can be contacted by Email Trevor

Enjoy this small sample of Trevor's Collection

Dalek Display

Trevor can be contacted by Email Trevor
All of the pictures on this page are the property of Trevor Sproston and may not be used or reproduced in any way without his explicit written consent.

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